What is "Standard Setup Package" Print

  • Setup Packages
  • 215

The Standard Setup Package includes all configurations out of the box to run a successful lead generation campaign. It supports Autodial, Blended and Closer campaigns. The configurations are totally finetuned and makes use of everything in campaign settings and call center environment including all features that you will need with your campaign type. The out of the box configurations are as follows.. 
50x Fronter Logins: A total of 50 agent logins who should be able to login to autodial and blended campaigns. They are pre-configured so they can transfer calls to another agents/closers via AGENTDIRECT ingroup, also to the closer ingroup. The assigned webphones supports autologin so they won't have to type in their phone login and password while logging in.
30x Closer Logins: A total of 30 closer logins who should be able to login to Blended and Closer campaigns. They can select AGENTDIRECT/CLOSER/DID Ingroup and can receive transfers from any agent in the system. The assigned webphones supports autologin so they won't have to type in their phone login and password while logging in.
1x Autodial Campaign: This campaign is pre-configured to run autodial campaign for the purpose of lead generation. We have optimised this campaign in every corner to make the most out of the VICIdial bundled features including full call recording. Agents can make & receive direct agent to agent transfers & can send call to closer ingroup. Pretty much all finetuning is already done in this configuration.
1x Closer Campaign: This campaign is pre-configured for closers to login for the purpose of receiving transferred calls from other fronters and closers. We have optimised this campaign in every corner to make the most out of the VICIdial bundled features including full call recording. Closers can make & receive agent transfers & can send call to closer ingroup. Pretty much all finetuning is already done in this configuration.
1x Blended Campaign: This is a general purpose campaign where all agents and closers can login. Includes all features from 'Autodial Campaign' & 'Closer Campaign'.
1x Closer Inbound Group: This ingroup is only visible to Closers and assigned to 'Closer Campaign' and 'Blended Campaign'. This is meant to receive direct transfers from fronters to closers.
1x DID Inbound Group: This ingroup is visible only in 'Blended Campaign' and 'Closer Campaign'. This ingroup serves as a template where all DIDs in the system can be pointed to.
1x AgentDirect Inbound Group: This ingroup is visible to all Fronters and Closers. It servers the purpose of direct agent to agent transfers in VICIdial.
DID Filter Blocklist: This blocklist can be configured in any DID entry and is meant to block or filter calls to other destination if caller number is found in this list. Its very useful if you want to block any caller in your system.
50x Webphones for fronters: These webphones are auto-assigned to Fronters and are automatically loaded on Fronter logins. Everything is taken care of and no extra configurations are required.
25x Webphones for Closers: These webphones are auto-assigned to Closers and are automatically loaded on Closer logins. Everything is taken care of and no extra configurations are required.
50x general purpose softphones: We have pre configured 50 extra extensions which can be registered on any softphone. It serves as a general purpose softphone extension which can be used for any purpose intended. All manual outbound calls from these extensions are logged and recorded.
NOTE: Please understand that the above configurations can be fully altered as nothing is hardcoded on the VICIdial. You are free to add/modify/delete any configurations as per your needs.

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